Friday, May 15, 2009

The Truth

In the movie "Flash of Genius," Dr. Kearns invents something we all take for granted today, the intermittent wiper blade back in the 1940s. Apparently, before this invention the driver of a car had to manually turn on the windshield wipers for every individual wipe. How the story goes is that he invented it, patented it, and wished to manufacture it; meanwhile, the Ford Motor Company also was working on a perfecting the same thing. When Dr. Kearns attempts to sell his product to Ford they ask to see the specs on his design and steal it. They drag him through more than a decade of hassle before they finally go to court. Kearns has to then defend himself, as no lawyer would take his case, before a judge and jury. He ends up winning the case and satisfying his need for the truth to be revealed. You see, he was offered money by Ford numerous times to try and get him to go away, but he was a man of ethics, principle, and integrity. To a man of this calibur, money was not important, what was important was the truth.

The same goes for Peter and John in Acts 4. A forty year old man who had been crippled from birth is miraculously healed in the name of Jesus, and they are arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin. In verse 21, they are threatened to keep silent on all this Jesus stuff under penalty of death. But Peter, an unschooled fisherman, steps forward and boldly says in verses 19-20, "Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God's sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard." With this they are released... for the time being.

The truth is powerful...and God being pure truth is what makes Him allpowerful. We all want something to stand up for, why not God?

Ask yourself, is it better to be "right" in worlds eyes or to be right in God's? Choose your master.

Friday, May 8, 2009

It is time for HIS change

I know I have been slacking on getting new things up on this blog, for that I apologize. I have fallen from the path for a while but I am slowly regaining my balance thanks to Him. Which brings me to my point.

God does some miraculous things in our lives everyday. I know that is very cliche, but cliches are around because they come up so often. It is our job to shift the mindset of the people God puts in our lives for that of negative to that of positive. For instance, many people are so focused on going green to halt global warming. There are so many people worried that we are killing the earth. That, if we stay on the same course, that our demise is unavoidable.

Just look at the words I had to use to describe global warming: worried, killing, demise, unavoidable. These words are negative. Instead we as followers of Christ, need to shift their focus to the fact that He is in control, and He decides when the earth lives or dies. We are giving ourselves a tad too much credit to say that we can destroy the world.

That is not to say we should not be cautious of how we live because our decisions will make an impact on future generations, but that is true in every facet of life. However the fact of the matter is that the only pollution God really cares about and that historically has killed the earths inhabitants is SIN!

But Jesus is our savior. The savior. The one and only that can filter out the pollution from our souls and give us the clarity of vision to see how exactly to live our life. How to treat others. How to prosper and thrive and not just survive. You see He has shown us that if we focus on faith, hope, and love, that money, while important, is NOT our source of joy. We have found contentment in the love of our families and friends, and that is why we can say we prosper and thrive because we depend not on the world but upon the One who is abounding in faith in us, who is in love with us despite the pollution we make, and who will give us hope more than any politician that things will be fine as long as we have Him.

Changes are needed in this world. But the changes that excommunicate God from our schools, our jobs, our lives must be fought tooth and bone for the day is coming when we will be face to face with God and you better know that He will ask you, "What did you do?!" And you better have a better answer than, "I did not want to offend anyone." or "I did not want to lose my status." The change this world needs is to be shifted to not that of "I" but of "we."

So go forth unto the world and change someones mindset. Show them what He can do, and then they will see the light of the amazing grace we followers of Christ take for granted.